About Us

Our Experience

Bruce and his team of officers bring a combined 200 years of heavy site construction experience.

Our Philosophy

Prince Land, Inc is a locally owned and operated family business founded in 1989 by Bruce Prince. Both of his sons have grown up working alongside him, gaining valuable knowledge of the industry.

Prince Land, Inc. has a philosophy that “Service” is the one quality that creates longevity in a company and guarantees return business.


Our team’s objective for client satisfaction results in project completion before the projected dates. We seek only jobs that fit our expertise which gives us the confidence to perform higher than our client’s expectations. We treat and compensate our employees above industry standards with the expectations of providing to our clients’ above-average performance and quality of work.


Meet our first-rate team with deep expertise in commercial and residential construction. Our team offers over 200 years of combined experience, that delivers the quality and timely results you come to expect from a qualified Contractor.

Executive Leadership

Bruce Prince – President

Daniel Chrost – Chief Financial Officer

Construction and Operations

Sean O'Connell – Operations Manager